Frequently Asked

Questions (Teachers)

What is the Con Edison Smart Kids Energy Efficiency Program?

The Con Edison Smart Kids Energy Efficiency Program was developed to teach students easy ways to use energy more efficiently in their homes. Program content supports New York State learning standards so you can easily integrate the program into your curriculum.


What is included in the Con Edison Smart Kids Energy Efficiency Program?

The Con Edison Smart Kids Energy Efficiency Program comes complete with a teacher book filled with lesson plans and engaging activities you can use inside and outside of the classroom. Each teacher and student will receive an individual Student Guide, Student Workbook, and a Smart Kids Kit. The kit includes energy-efficient products that will help students implement classroom lessons at home. Kit items include:

  • Three 9-watt LEDs
  • High-Efficiency Showerhead
  • Kitchen Faucet Aerator
  • Bathroom Faucet Aerator
  • Digital Thermometer
  • Flow Rate Test Bag
  • Installation Videos
  • Much More!

What are the participation requirements?

All we ask in return for your participation in the program is that your students complete a short survey. The student survey contains a pre- and post-program quiz. Survey responses help gauge the knowledge gained by each student during the program. If your students take a pledge to be energy efficient and return their student surveys, each student will receive a Con Edison certificate of achievement! A self-addressed postage-paid return envelope is provided in your teacher materials.


Is there an enrollment deadline?

Is there a cost to participate in the Con Edison Smart Kids Energy Efficiency Program?

Are there a maximum number of kits for each class?

If I enroll in the program how will my school benefit?

Who is Con Edison?

What do I do if an LED Light Bulb breaks?

FAQs (Teachers)