Small steps add up to big saving. You’ll start saving energy as soon as you install the items in the Smart Kids Kit. To save even more, try these tips!
All savings tips are derived from ENERGY STAR® and
Energy Efficiency Tips
Take Control of Your Thermostat
By adjusting your thermostat to a warmer setting in summer and a cooler setting in winter, you can save money on your utility bill.
Shine a Light on Savings
LED Light Bulbs and Compact Fluorescent Lamps (CFLs) save money because they use less energy than traditional incandescent light bulbs. Read on to learn where you can replace and save.
Don’t Let Savings Run Down the Drain
Energy and water are connected. In many cases when you are saving energy, you are saving water as well. It takes energy to heat water, clean water, and bring the water to our homes. Water is a vital resource to our planet and our health. Read on to learn simple ways you can conserve.
Cutting Down Your Use
All of the appliances in your home cost money to run, but there are steps you can take to cut down on your usage, while saving your comfort and money at the same time.
Overview / Energy Efficiency Tips
Energy Efficiency Tips
Small steps add up to big saving. You’ll start saving energy as soon as you install the items in the Smart Kids Kit. To save even more, try these tips!
All savings tips are derived from ENERGY STAR® and