Frequently Asked
Questions (Students)
Why is my school participating in the Con Edison Smart Kids Energy Efficiency Program?
Your teacher has elected to participate in the Con Edison Smart Kids Energy Efficiency Program. The program will help you learn how to use energy wisely. This can help you and your family save energy and money.
What is the Con Edison Smart Kids Energy Efficiency Program?
The Con Edison Smart Kids Energy Efficiency Program was developed to teach students easy ways to use energy more efficiently in their homes. Program content supports New York State Learning Standards so it is easily integrated into your class curriculum.
Who is Con Edison?
Con Edison, a subsidiary of Consolidated Edison, Inc., operates one of the world’s largest energy delivery systems, providing electricity, gas, and steam to most of New York City and Westchester County. For more information, click here
Is there an enrollment deadline?
There are a limited number of kits available for each school year. If you are a school teacher and have already been contacted about participating in the program, enroll now.
Why should my family participate in the Con Edison Smart Kids Energy Efficiency Program?
When your family uses energy wisely at home and you install the items from your Smart Kids Kit, you save energy and lessen your impact on the environment. Also, your family can save money on their utility bill.
What does my family need to do?
Your family should help you install the items in your Smart Kids Kit and complete the homework you receive. They can also remind you to return your completed student workbook.
Can I get another Con Edison Smart Kids Kit?
No, only one kit is available to each student.
What do I do if an LED Light Bulb breaks?
Dispose of an LED lightbulb the same way you would dispose of broken glass. LED lightbulbs do not contain hazardous materials. However, 95 percent of an LED lightbulb is recyclable, so recycling your LED lightbulbs is the best way to dispose of them. Simply call your local government or waste management company to learn the recycling policy in your area.
FAQs (Students)